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 Dainichi Netting 1  Dainichi Netting 2

 After the auction a few days earlier is was good to get back to Dainichi and check out the Jumbo Tosai available to me , last Years Female Jumbo Tosai were a great success with many now over 55cm with super development. Some of these have been featured on the koi for sales pages showing the change over the last 10 months. Some examples of last years Dainichi Showa.


  DN5-36cm Gachaneo web  DN5-45cm 21st September. 2014 web  DN5 49cm 11th March 2015 web


This koi is now 55cm after arriving at 36cm in June last year , The second picture was taken in September last year , you can see how the sumi receeded and then returned, with plenty more starting to show , these Dainichi are long term and should be given time to see the real development.

DN4-34cm Monster 1 web  DN4 Monster 1 42cm Aug 14th 2014 web

The sumi on this koi has developed very well and i will take an updated picture in a few weeks, the body and fin shape has changed something that is seldom discussed during a Koi's development. Body is very good.


DN7-36cm Gachaneo web x2  DN7 46cm Gachaneo 25th September 2014 web

This koi has very similar beni to the Koi purchased below and having seen an updated picture it has improved superbly , when the pictures were shown to Shigeru of Dainichi Koi farm his first comment was "wow" this koi is now over 52cm and has developed more sumi since the second picture was taken in September last year. All three bodies on these koi are excellent for growing very big , Showa are a facinating Koi to purchase as the development can be very rewarding.


Dainichi 1 JT  Dainichi 2 JT

The individual pictures of these Koi were terrible so i just have the bowl pictures and videos below. Great quality and all Guaranteed Females.








 There are also a few koi to add to what was an excellent few hours at Dainichi Koi Farm.

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