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Day 3 Maruyama and the drive to Niigata

Day 3  Maruyama and heading to Niigata....

IMG 3267 Koi House  

After checking out of the hotel it would only be a thirty minute drive to Maruyama Koi farm , it was another beautiful sunny day and i was looking forward to purchasing some high quality female jumbo tosai.

Maruyama Jumbo Tosai 43cm  Maruyama Female Jumbo Tosai 42cm   Maruyama Female Jumbo Tosai 42cm

Maruyama Female Jumbo Tosai 43cm  Maruyama Female Jumb Tosai 44cm  Maruyama Female Jumbo Tosai 41cm

All the above koi are Female Jumbo Tosai from 40cm to 45cm .

It was a very good morning at Maruyama Koi Farm and didnt take long to have many Koi in a bowl and some great purchases made.

Maruyama Trees  IMG 3319 

Leaving the sunshine at Futoshi Maruyama's garden and arriving at a rainy Niigata. No pot of gold here but i knew the next few days would result in some superb Koi.



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