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Day 3 and 4 , Farm visits and Isa Koi Farm

Days 3 and 4

There is only so many koi that can be bought on one trip and with no appointments booked today it was a good opportunity to visit some breeders in the morning to discuss future koi purchases. After another trip to the noodles bar I was back at Hirasawa to find more Koi for customer orders. This side of the business is becoming more popular as hobbyists are becoming more patient with their purchases and waiting for me to find that special Koi. Not much to post about this day but the morning meetings will no doubt bring some good future business.

Day 4 a day of Showa from Isa

Isa_Koi_farm_2.jpg  Isa_Koi_Farm.jpg

I had been looking forward to this day for a while as I knew Mitsunori Isa had introduced many new koi to the main Koi houses, I have bought many koi from Isa this year during my February trip and I was very keen to add to this with some female Jumbo Tosai.

Isa_Netting_2.jpg  Isa_Netted_Koi.jpg

Pond 1 was netted and now the challenging part to find the best Koi from this pond. After some time i had chosen the following Showa , i could have bought more but with two other ponds to net i was happy with my final selections.

  Isa_Female_Tosai_No_1a.jpg  Isa_Female_Tosai_No_2._April_2018_.jpg  Isa_Female_Tosai_No_3_April_2018.jpg   Isa_Female_Tosai_No_4_April_2018.jpg 

Isa Showa No1 28cm    Isa Showa No2 30cm   Isa Showa No3 31cm   Isa Showa No4 30cm

  Isa_Female_Tosai_No_5_April_2018.jpg   Isa_Female_Tosai_No_6a_April_2018JPG.jpg   Isa_Female_Tosai_No_7_April_2018.jpg   Isa_Female_Tosai_No_8_April_2018.jpg

Isa Showa No5 31cm   Isa Showa No6 27cm  Isa Showa No7 29cm  Isa Showa No8 29cm

All these Showa are Female Tosai and priced at £595 each superb quality all with motoguro great beni patterns and high quality sumi.

More from this superb day on the next blog........

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