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The filter room for my 8500 gallon pond , the HighFil 50 shown in this picture is the same HighFil that was running my Shops main pond . It has now been running for over 5 years without any issues just like all the other HighFil's successfully installed over the past 5 years. The pre-chamber before the HighFil has many uses , easier bottom drain purges , housing for automatic top-up and fully submersible UV this chamber is heavily oxygenated with over 100 litres of air before entering the Bio Chamber. The pump used is the HighFil HFP-75 variable flow , you can also see a KWC Protein Shower for organic and DOC removal. The HighFil 50 Filter operates below water level which makes access and installation easier in some cases making this the most advanced filter available today.  

HighFil_50_AB_3.jpg HighFil_50_AB_2.jpg  HighFil_50_AB_1.jpg

MG_2039_wiremesh-17-2-1030x687.jpg 44653795_10157962290953009_1566654952611250176_n.jpg HighFil_Filtration_4.jpg

For more information please call 07712871692 or email , I will post a few videos later today to show the filter running on several ponds.



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